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Author (by Surname) Book Details
G D Adams Hill of Light by G D Adams
Sir David Attenborough Wildlife Watchers Guide to Woodlands by Sir David Attenborough and Andrew Branson
Rennie Bere Wildlife in Cornwall by Rennie Bere
Kelvin Boot The Nocturnal Naturalist by Kelvin Boot
Andrew Branson Wildlife Watchers Guide to Woodlands by Sir David Attenborough and Andrew Branson
Fred Brown Badgers in our Village by Fred Brown
Martin Banks Discovering Badgers by Martin Banks
Maria Bird Andy Pandy and the Badger by Maria Bird
Gordon Burness The White Badger by Gordon Burness
Alan Bartram Badgers by Alan Bartram
Priscilla Barrett Badger - A Year in the Life by John Stidworthy and Priscilla Barrett
Molly Burkett The Year of the Badger by Molly Burkett
Gordon Burness The White Badger by Gordon Burness
Bruce Campbell The Countryman Magazine - Autumn 1986 by Bruce Campbell
Bruce and Margaret Campbell Countryman Animal Book by B & M Campbell
Laurie Campbell Badgers by John Darbyshire and Laurie Campbell
Care for the Wild Care for the Badger by Lindsey Gillson for Care for the Wild
Brian Carter Night World by Brian Carter
Alison Catley Badger's Race by Alison Catley
Chris Cheeseman Badgers by Ernest Neal and Chris Cheeseman
Garth Christian While Some Trees Stand (wild life in our vanishing countryside) by Garth Christian
Michael Clark Badgers by Michael Clark
The Countryman The Countryman Magazine - Winter 1982/1983 by Graham Madge
The Countryman Magazine - Autumn 1986 by Bruce Campbell
The Countryman Magazine - Ruth Murray - Autumn 1997 by Jay Richards
Anthony Corfield Royal Secret of Brockwood by Anthony Corfield and Patricia Hubbard
GA Cowen Northumberland Natural History Society on Badgers by GA Cowen
Jim Crumley Badgers on the Highland Edge by Jim Crumley
Eric Clarkson The Badgers of Summercombe by Ewan Clarkson
Aeron Clement The Cold Moons by Aeron Clement
Mairi Cooper Badgers by Mairi Cooper and John Ralston for Scottish Natural Heritage
Frederick Covins The Battle for Badger's Wood by Frederick Covins
Elizabeth Dale Operation Badger by Elizabeth Dale
Lucy Daniels Badger in the Basement by Lucy Daniels
Badgers by the Bridge by Lucy Daniels
Colin Dann In The Grip of Winter by Colin Dann
Badger in Danger by Colin Dann and Mary Risk
John Darbyshire Badgers by John Darbyshire and Laurie Campbell
Devon Trust for Nature Conservation Dartmoor Badgers by H G Hurrell for the Devon Trust for Nature Conservation
Phil Drabble No Badgers in my Wood by Phil Drabble
Phil Drabble's Country Scene by Phil Drabble

A Weasel in My Meatsafe by Phil Drabble

Ernest Dudley The Badger by Ernest Dudley
Monica Edwards Badger Valley by Monica Edwards
Gillian Elias Wildlife of Nottinghamshire - Badgers by Gillian Elias
English Nature Badgers and Development by English Nature
Monica Edwards Badger Valley by Monica Edwards
Farthing Wood Badger in Danger by Colin Dann and Mary Risk
Chris Ferris Darkness is Light Enough by Chris Ferris
Out of the Darkness by Chris Ferris
Green-Eyed Flo by Chris Ferris
Forestry Commission Badgers in Woodlands (Forestry Commission) by Ernest Neal
William Horwood The Willows in Winter by William Horwood
John Hughes Care for the Wild by WJ Jordan and John Hughes
DD Gilbertson In the Shadow of Extinction by RDS Jenkinson and DD Gilbertson
Lindsey Gillson Care for the Badger by Lindsey Gillson for Care for the Wild
Kenneth Grahame Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
Gwent Badger Group Briefly on Badgers by the Gwent Badger Group
Jonathan Guy Badger Island by Jonathan Guy
Peter Hardy (Lord Hardy of Wath) A Lifetime of Badgers by Peter Hardy
Thomas Hayden The Badger by Thomas Hayden
Jason Hook Beryl the Badger - The Tales of Wishing Well Wood
Janni Howker Badger on the Barge by Janni Howker
Patricia Hubbard Royal Secret of Brockwood by Anthony Corfield and Patricia Hubbard
Anne Hughson Brock's Hole by Anne Hughson
HG Hurrell Dartmoor Badgers by HG Hurrell for the Devon Trust for Nature Conservation
Jack and Jill Jack and Jill and the Friendly Badger
RDS Jenkinson In the Shadow of Extinction by RDS Jenkinson and DD Gilbertson
Anna Jones The Badger Book by Anna Jones for The Mammal Society
WJ Jordan Care for the Wild by WJ Jordan and John Hughes
Christopher Kenworthy Badger TV Series by Christopher Kenworthy
Pauline Kidner (founder of Secret World) Glade's Journey - stories from an animal hospital by Pauline Kidner
Life with Bluebell by Pauline Kidner
My Secret World by Pauline Kidner
Secret World of Wildlife Rescue by Pauline Kidner
Hans Kruuk The Social Badger by Hans Kruuk
F Howard Lancum Badgers' Year by F Howard Lancum
Graham Madge The Countryman Magazine - Winter 1982/1983 by Graham Madge
MAFF (now called DEFRA) Wild Mammals and the Land by MAFF
Wickham Malins Bully and the Badger by Wickham Malins
Mammal Society The Badger by Michael Woods for the Mammal Society
The Badger Book by Anna Jones for The Mammal Society
Anthony Masters Badger Boy by Anthony Masters
Phil McMylor This Way Little Badger by Phil McMylor
Richard Meyer The Fate of the Badger by Richard Meyer
ALV Middleton Badgers of Yorkshire and Humberside by RJ Paget and ALV Middleton
Ruth Murray The Countryman Magazine - Ruth Murray - Autumn 1997 by Jay Richards
Ernest Neal Badgers by Ernest Neal and Chris Cheeseman
Blandford Mammal Series - Badgers by Ernest Neal
(Nature in Close-up) Badgers by Ernest Neal
The Badger by Ernest Neal
Badgers in Woodlands (Forestry Commission) by Ernest Neal
Badgers by Ernest Neal for the Sunday Times
The Badger Man by Ernest Neal
Janet Nicolls Brock and Bruin by Janet Nicolls
Northumberland Nat Hist Soc Northumberland Natural History Society on Badgers by GA Cowen
Nottinghamshire Nat Hist Soc Birches, Badgers and Buttercups by David Tyldesley for Nottinghamshire NatHisSoc
Edward Osmond Animals of Britain by Edward Osmond
Emil Pacholek Adventures of Badger's Set by Emil Pacholek
RJ Paget Badgers of Yorkshire and Humberside by RJ Paget and ALV Middleton
Maggie Pearson Owl Light by Maggie Pearson
Dale Pollard Wildlife of Rossendale
Tessa Potter The Badger with a Broken Leg by Tessa Potter
John Ralston Badgers by Mairi Cooper and John Ralston for Scottish Natural Heritage
Jane Ratcliffe Through the Badger Gate by Jane Ratcliffe
Jay Richards The Countryman Magazine - Ruth Murray - Autumn 1997 by Jay Richards
Angela Rippon Victoria Plum helps the Badgers by Angela Rippon
Mary Risk Badger in Danger by Colin Dann and Mary Risk
David Ross The Badgers of Badger Hill by David Ross
RSPCA RSPCA Problems with Badgers
Cecily M Rutley Brock the Badger (tales of the wild folk) by Cecily M Rutley
Scottish Natural Heritage Badgers by Mairi Cooper and John Ralston for Scottish Natural Heritage
Ernest Thompson Seton Old Silver Grizzle the Badger and other stories by Ernest Thompson Seton
Sylvia Shepherd Brocky by Sylvia Shepherd
Eileen Soper Eileen Soper's Book of Badgers
Tony Soper Discovering Animals by Tony Soper
Fred J Speakman A Keeper's Tale by Fred J Speakman
Edward Step Animal Life of the British Isles by Edward Step
David Stephen Bodach the Badger by David Stephen
Highland Animals by David Stephen
John Stidworthy Badger - A Year in the Life by John Stidworthy and Priscilla Barrett
Les Stocker Something in a Cardboard Box by Les Stocker
Joyce Stranger The Honeywell Badger by Joyce Stranger
Sunday Times Badgers by Ernest Neal for the Sunday Times
Ernest Thompson Seton Old Silver Grizzle the Badger and other stories by Ernest Thompson Seton
Mike Tomkies Out of the Wild by Mike Tomkies
TA Tompson The Whispering Wood by T A Tompson
David Tyldesley Birches, Badgers and Buttercups by David Tyldesley for Nottinghamshire NatHisSoc
Angela Wilkes Wildlife Rescue by Angela Wilkes
Michael Woods The Badger by Michael Woods for the Mammal Society