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General Wildlife Books with information about Badgers

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We have written a short review of each general wildlife book with information about badgers and added other information to help you find the book in bookshops or on the internet. We have also included a picture of the dust-jacket (if available), so you can see what the book looks like.

General Wildlife Books with information about Badgers In Print? Rating
Animal Life of the British Isles by Edward Step OOP
Care for the Wild by WJ Jordan and John Hughes In Print 5-Stars
Discovering Animals by Tony Soper OOP 5-Stars
Animals of Britain by Edward Osmond OOP
Highland Animals by David Stephen OOP
In the Shadow of Extinction by RDS Jenkinson and DD Gilbertson OOP
The Nocturnal Naturalist by Kelvin Boot OOP
Wildlife of Rossendale In Print 5-Stars
Something in a Cardboard Box by Les Stocker In Print 5-Stars
Wildlife in Cornwall by Rennie Bere OOP
Wildlife Rescue by Angela Wilkes In Print 5-Stars
Wildings - the Secret Garden of Eileen Soper and Duff Hart-Davis OOP
In the Shadow of Extinction (Europe's Threatened Wild Mammals) by Jeremy Mallinson OOP 5-Stars
A Forest by Night by Fred J Speakman OOP 5-Stars
A Keeper's Tale by Fred J Speakman OOP  
Introduction to Field Biology by DP Bennett and DA Humphries OOP 5-Stars

OOP = Out-of-Print