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Wildlife in Cornwall by Rennie Bere

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Content-Type Wildlife with useful Badger information
Review This book starts with a quick summary of the county of Cornwall and its wildlife. Thereafter, there is basically one chapter for each key wildlife species; and how it lives in its desired habitat in various areas of Cornwall. Animals covered include Deer, Hare, Rabbits, Badgers, Squirrels, other smaller mammals, reptiles, the Red Fox, otter, mink, the different types of Seal, butterflies, moths and birds. There is also a useful discussion of how wildlife might be affected in the future. Interestingly, the author concludes that human development and pollution would cause big problems.
Summary A pretty decent account of badgers in Cornwall. Whilst there are some details which are specific to Cornwall, this book it still worth a read because it teaches about how badgers adapt to the coastal/moorland habitat.
Written by Rennie Bere
Illustrated by VS Paton
Photographs by Too many people to mention
Written in 1970
Last Revised in 1970
Size 215mm by 140mm (height by width)
Pages 148
ISBN n/a
Publisher D Bradford Barton Ltd (Truro)
Copyright Owner Rennie Bere
In Print? Out of Print
Review Date 01 June 2008
Front and Cover
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