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We have written a short review of each book which includes significant badger experience and added other information to help you find the book in bookshops or on the internet. We have also included a picture of the dust-jacket (if available), so you can see what the book looks like. By badger "experience" we mean where the books tend to be collections of stories and anecdotes about people's experience rescuing and looking after badgers.
Books based on Badger Experience In Print? Rating
Through the Badger Gate by Jane Ratcliffe OOP 5-Stars
Badger TV Series by Christopher Kenworthy OOP
Brocky by Sylvia Shepherd OOP 5-Stars
Bully and the Badger by Wickham Malins OOP
Phil Drabble's Country Scene by Phil Drabble OOP
Darkness is Light Enough by Chris Ferris OOP
Eileen Soper's Book of Badgers OOP 5-Stars
Glade's Journey - stories from an animal hospital by Pauline Kidner In Print 5-Stars
Green-Eyed Flo by Chris Ferris OOP
Badgers on the Highland Edge by Jim Crumley OOP 5-Stars
Badgers in our Village by Fred Brown OOP
Life with Bluebell by Pauline Kidner In Print 5-Stars
My Secret World by Pauline Kidner In Print 5-Stars
No Badgers in my Wood by Phil Drabble OOP 5-Stars
Out of the Darkness by Chris Ferris OOP
Out of the Wild by Mike Tomkies OOP
Secret World of Wildlife Rescue by Pauline Kidner In Print 5-Stars
The Badger Man by Ernest Neal OOP 5-Stars
Badger Valley by Monica Edwards OOP
A Weasel in My Meatsafe by Phil Drabble OOP
While Some Trees Stand by Garth Christian OOP
The White Badger by Gordon Burness OOP
The Year of the Badger by Molly Burkett OOP
Wilf the Smallest Badger by Les Stocker OOP
Badger Bait by Jeffrey Pearson In Print
The Wildlife Man by Barry Kaufman-Wright OOP
The Badgers of Ashcroft Woods by Chris Ferris OOP
Sun on the Lintel by Derek Tangye OOP
Highland Deer Forest by Lea MacNally OOP
King Todd by Norah Burke illustrated by DJ Watkins-Pitchford OOP
The Mad Bad Badger by Molly Burkett OOP
My New Forest Home by Irene Soper (illustrations by John Searl) OOP

OOP = Out-of-Print