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Badgers on the Highland Edge by Jim Crumley

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Content-Type Badger Experience
Description The Highland edge is that indefinable landscape where Highland and Lowland meet, where the last of the high fields and wooded hills buttress on to the first of the mountains. Jim Crumley has worked and wandered a patch of the Highland Edge for more than 20 years and it marvellously colours much of his nature writing. His determination to find badgers and write about them started from the "bliss of ignorance" but soon progressed. By the merest chance he found that badgers had returned to the fractured mountainside that they'd been driven from many years earlier. His encounters with the mountain badgers, and their neighbouring eagles and ospreys are described with careful precision and loving care.
Summary Another superb book about the "badger experience". A very good description of how badgers can be seen by chance and end up taking over your life.
Written by Jim Crumley
Illustrated by Mike Harris and Don MacCaskill
Photographs by Mike Harris and Don MacCaskill
Written in 1994
Last Revised in 1994
Size 240mm by 160mm (height by width)
Pages 144
ISBN 0 224 03642 4
Publisher Jonathan Cape
Copyright Owner Jim Crumley
In Print? Still in Print
Review Date 19 October 2005
Front and Cover
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