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We have written a short review of each Badger-related Book and added other information to help you find the book in bookshops or on the internet. We have also included a picture of the dust-jacket (if available), so you can see what the book looks like.

Factual Badger books In Print? Rating
Badgers by Alan Bartram OOP
The Badger Book by Anna Jones for The Mammal Society In Print 5-Stars
Badgers and Development by English Nature OOP 5-Stars
Blandford Mammal Series - Badgers by Ernest Neal OOP 5-Stars
Briefly on Badgers by the Gwent Badger Group In Print 5-Stars
Care for the Badger by Lindsey Gillson for Care for the Wild In Print 5-Stars
Badgers by Mairi Cooper and John Ralston for Scottish Natural Heritage In Print 5-Stars
Badgers by John Darbyshire and Laurie Campbell In Print 5-Stars
Discovering Badgers by Martin Banks OOP
The Badger by Ernest Dudley OOP
The Badger by Ernest Neal OOP 5-Stars
The Fate of the Badger by Richard Meyer OOP 5-Stars
Badgers' Year by F Howard Lancum OOP
A Lifetime of Badgers by Peter Hardy OOP 5-Stars
Badgers by Michael Clark In Print 5-Stars
(Nature in Close-up) Badgers by Ernest Neal OOP 5-Stars
Badgers by Ernest Neal and Chris Cheeseman OOP 5-Stars
The Rehabilitator's & Badger Enthusiast's Handbook by Andy Parr In Print 5-Stars
RSPCA Problems with Badgers In Print 5-Stars
The Social Badger by Hans Kruuk OOP 5-Stars
The Badger by Thomas Hayden OOP
Badgers of Yorkshire and Humberside by RJ Paget and ALV Middleton OOP 5-Stars
British Wild Animals (Otter, Badger and Hedgehog) by H Mortimer Batten OOP

OOP = Out-of-Print