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The Badger Man by Ernest Neal

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Content-Type Badger Experience
Description The book starts with a discussion of Ernest Neal's early memories and family life. It includes his memories of London, Boarding School and High Education and his switch from medicine to biology, and then trying to find a job during the slump. It covers his first job at Rendcomb College and how he first got into seeing and observing badgers. After this came the war years, where he still managed to study badgers, and involve many other people and children in the work too. And, after the war and all the problems it brought, moving to Taunton School and becoming a housemaster and still continuing the badger work. Following on from this was being involved in the formation of the Mammal Society, and getting into photography and filming with the BBC, as well as still being a teacher and a badger researcher. Ernest Neal also describes the expeditions he took part in across the world and his eventual retirement from teaching. From what might have been a well-earned retirement Ernest Neal seemed then to concentrate even more on badgers and wrote more books, got involved in more charities, went on more expeditions - involving him climbing Kilimanjaro. The book finishes off with an account of his bonus years (following a major illness) and his views on his philosophy of life. He died in April 1998.
Summary To all intents and purposes this is the autobiography of Dr Ernest Neal, and records the story of his life and the the work he did on badgers. A fascinating book about a fascinating man.
Written by Ernest Neal
Illustrated by J Langmuir-Lanigan, Dr David Bygott and Ivan Lilley
Photographs by Ernest Neal, Jack Beale, Peter Blomfield, Stuart Seager and GC Ainsworth
Written in 1994
Last Revised in N/A
Size 238mm by 170mm (height by width)
Pages 274
ISBN 0-903803-28-3
Publisher Providence Press
Copyright Owner Ernest Neal
In Print? Out Of Print
Review Date 28 February 2007
Front and Cover
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