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A Keeper's Tale by Fred J Speakman

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Content-Type Badger Experience
Description This is the story of a gamekeeper, Sidney Butt, who worked in the forests of Essex. There are examles of wildlife throughut the book, but the description of badgers is a fairly small part of the book.
Summary The father and son pair worked in a tract of the Essex forest famed for its beauty and interest and, back in those days for its wildness and wild deeds. The gamekeepers seemingly fought against poachers, bird catchers, deer killers, gamblers gangs of rogues and wildfires. The book details their love of the woods, toegther, in some detail the catching of deer, the shooting of many of the species we now want to protect. The book describes the beauty of the countryside, but the gamekeepers know that their lifetime of service to the forest is coming to an end. The book might seem a bit of an odd read for people living in the modern world, but, despite it all; it is still worthwhile if you want to understand something of the old-fashioned ways of gamekeepers and their views on what makes forest wonderful.
Written by Alf Curtis and Fred J Speakman
Illustrated by John Avis
Photographs by n/a
Written in 1962
Last Revised in 1962
Size mm by mm (height by width)
ISBN n/a
Publisher G Bell & Sons Ltd
Copyright Owner Fred J Speakman
In Print? Still in Print / Out of Print / Re-Print being Considered
Review Date 22 October 2005
Front and Cover
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