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Wild Mammals and the Land by MAFF

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Content-Type Pamphlet
Description So here we have a tricky problem? How do we review an apparently factually-accurate booklet about badgers produced by MAFF?
Well ... I suppose by taking verbatim quotes from the text:
  • One piece of bad advice given by MAFF is that "the badger is easily tamed when young and makes a very interesting and pleasing pet".

What remains, includes some of the most sensible advice ever given out by MAFF!

  • "in many parts of the country (the badger) is being subjected to the unjust persecution that has been its lot for centuries"
  • "all of these (experts) have reached the conclusion that on balance the badger is definitely a beneficial animal"
  • "in many ways the badger is an admirable and likable creature"
  • "the badger does an immense amount of good by destroying pests of various kinds"
  • "no other British mammal has been subject to so much ill-informed, adverse comment, backed by so little evidence"
Summary A nice pro-badger book by MAFF (predecessors of DEFRA)!
Written by MAFF
Illustrated by MAFF
Photographs by MAFF
Written in 1951
Last Revised in 1951
Size 240mm by 185mm (height by width)
Pages 60
Publisher Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (MAFF)
Copyright Owner Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (MAFF)
In Print? Out of Print
Review Date 19 October 2005
Front and Cover
Copyright in these images is retained by their owners. Images are shown so you can see what the item looks like or if you need inspiration to create your own original badger artwork.
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