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Badger and deer crime on the rise

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04 June 2009 - BBC News

Concerns have been raised about a worrying rise in badger baiting and urban wildlife crime in Scotland. The Scottish Badgers charity said 2009 could be one of the worst years for crimes against the animals, with 70 incidents reported so far. A spokesman said this represented two-thirds of the total figure in 2008.

Meanwhile, Strathclyde Police said the hunting of roe deer in Glasgow's east end was also on the increase, perhaps due to the rising price of venison. Pc Craig Brothwick, a wildlife officer with Strathclyde Police said: "Badger baiting is very much on the rise. The number of cases being reported is quite frightening really. It is an act of of nothing other than cruelty. It is just barbaric, not only to the badger, but a lot of the time to the dogs involved too. We also have a problem in urban Glasgow with roe deer. There are huge numbers of them and they are being poached and coursed. We are finding carcasses hung up in trees and lying on golf courses. It is really quite horrific."

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Badger by Tim Roper Collins New Naturalist Library (114) - Badger
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