Online Videos
Here are links to a few badger-related videos. Although you can watch
these videos through our web-site, they are actually hosted on the
YouTube web-site. As they are videos, they are very large files; and are
suitable for watching if you are on a high-speed or broadband
connection. If you are on standard "dial-up", these videos will be
very very
slow to load.
Night-time Videos:
Day-time Videos
The video footage is hosted on
YouTube, so is outside our
control. These videos were all available at the time we created this
page, but they are not guaranteed to be available in perpetuity. If
you want to have a "laugh" at the opinion of some-one (Hugh Thomas of
Exmoor) who wants to kill badgers because they eat wasps (yes ...
we are serious), have a look at the following video: