This FEOB booklet has been designed to
be used for more detailed training about badgers, for example by
badger groups to train members, schools or colleges to train
students. It is a highly recommended handout or accompaniment to our
Finding Evidence of Badgers PowerPoint
Presentation. This booklet has been designed for these main groups
of people, namely:
Members and new members of badger group who need to know how
to survey an area for the presence of badgers.
Students studying animal-related subjects.
People involved in surveying badger territories for badger
groups or for planning permission related issues.
Home owners who see badgers and who want to know how to find
where they come from.
This highly-detailed A5-sized (210mm by 148mm) soft-cover reference booklet contains details of:
* Introduction * Biology * Adult Size and Weight * Hair/Pelage * Food
Sources * Feeding Signs * Badger Noises * Badger Territories * Badger
Paths * Badger Crossing Points * Landing Zones * Setts * Sett Types *
Badger and other Holes * Scratch marks * Animal Footprints * Droppings *
Latrines * Bones * Teeth * Further Information
This includes a combination of text, images and photographs; and some
very useful notes which are not available elsewhere.
It is highly recommended that teachers and trainers buy the
Finding Evidence of Badgers PowerPoint
Presentation as the presentation contains audio-visual material
which can not be included in this booklet.